Recognition of Prior Learning

Convert your knowledge, skills and experience to a Nationally Recognised Qualification with RPL.

In accordance with the requirements of the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations, Inter Learning provides the opportunity for students to apply to have prior learning recognised toward a qualification or units of competence for which they are enrolled.

What is recognition?

Recognition involves the assessment of previously unrecognised skills and knowledge an individual has achieved outside the formal education and training system. Recognition assesses this unrecognised learning against the requirements of a unit of competence, in respect of both entry requirements and outcomes to be achieved. By removing the need for duplication of learning, recognition encourages an individual to continue upgrading their skills and knowledge through structured education and training towards formal qualifications and improved employment outcomes. This has benefits for the individual and industry. Most importantly, it should be noted that recognition is just another form of assessment and requires the same application of the principles of assessment and the rules of evidence which are applied in any form of competency base assessment. What you need to know before applying...

What Rpl Means?
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is a process that assesses your competency—acquired through formal and informal learning—to determine if you meet the requirements for a unit of study. (Source: Your skills, experiences and abilities will be assessed against the criteria for Qualifications to check if you satisfy it, turning into a National Recognised Qualification. Qualifications available SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management* *You can add on your RPL additional 7 Core units from your Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management Qualification (A separate Statement of Attainment will be issued)
RPL Process
Step 1 Provide sufficient information to candidates to inform them of opportunities for alternative pathways via recognition and the recognition process.

Step 2 Candidates who request recognition of their current competence are to be invited to carry out a self-assessment to determine their suitability for a recognition application (using the Recognition Self-Assessment Guide). This step is not compulsory but is strongly suggested. The candidate should be provided an electronic version of the RPL application documents.

Step 3 Undertake a recognition assessment planning interview between the assessor and the candidate (using the Recognition Assessment Plan). This is to include where possible: Helping the candidate to identify appropriate forms of evidence; Guiding the candidate on the use of recognition tools; and Informing the candidate about the assessment process.

Step 4 Students to compile their recognition submission (using a Recognition Evidence Report). This form allows students to record their particular documentary evidence against each unit of competence and to attach this evidence as required.

Step 5 The Assessor is then to review the assessment evidence and decide on the need for additional evidence on perceived gaps. The Assessor may invite the candidate to undertake a recognition interview to answer verbal questions or a practical assessment. At the end of the evidence gathering process the Assessor is to provide the candidate with written feedback regarding the assessment outcomes, including the procedure for the candidate to appeal the assessment outcome.

Step 6 If the student is not satisfied with the outcomes of a recognition application, they may appeal the outcome like other assessment decisions. Further information on the appeals process can be found in the Student Information Booklet or Inter Learning policy and procedure manual.

Step 7 When all assessment and appeal processes have concluded, the assessment outcome is to be recorded in the recognition register and issue the candidate with written advice of the outcome. This may include issuing statements of attainment or qualifications awarded through recognition in accordance with Inter Learning Qualifications Issuance policies and procedures. Timeframe for RPL is 28 days but if we require further evidences, the process may be extended the overall timeframe

What evidences can you provide?
Forms of evidence toward recognition may include, but not limited:

Resume Work records;

Past Qualifications

Records of workplace training;

Assessments of current skills;

Assessments of current knowledge;

Third party reports from current and previous supervisors or managers;

Evidence of relevant unpaid or volunteer experience;

Examples of work products;

Portfolio of design products;

Observation by an assessor in the workplace;

Performance appraisal; or

Duty statements.

RPL Fees
Interlearning charges a fee of $100 for our online Skills Assessment which is fully refundable if the client does not decide to proceed after receiving the Skills Assessment report.

Once our report is done, you will receive a notification via email to whether you are a proper candidate for RPL or not based on the information you have provided to us, please allow 3-4 business days for the final outcome. It will include the skills assessment and all details of further documents, evidence and pricing list required for RPL application.

If a client would like to proceed based on the Skills Assessment outcome, this pre-charge of $100 will be automatically discounted from the total balance.

If you do not complete the RPL because you are not supplying evidences required or simply because you have changed your mind you will not be eligible for any refund.

Skills Assessment

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